Along with wishes for you to have a great day, I bring good news: dads are finally getting the acknowledgement they deserve.  For way too long dads have continually been portrayed as weak, stupid, lazy, out of touch, and generally acting as “ridiculous or buffoons” in movies, TV shows, books, etc.  Well, the tide is turning. According to one report, dads are being seen in a more positive light in almost every area except “the media” (Imagine that).

Another article says:

“Most Americans (87%) say they have learned valuable lessons from their dads, including how to treat others as they expect to be treated (56%), how to save money and plan for the future (40%), how to be handy around the house (37%), and how to stand up for themselves (36%).”

Here are some other recent findings:

Dads see parenting as central to their identity.

Dads are much more involved in child care than they were 50 years ago.

Although work-family balance is a challenge for many working fathers, dads see this as a high priority.

“… [dads] are a source of protection, comfort, enthusiasm for their families”.

So, way to go dads!  We have always known you are great, but now the stats prove it!

Even better news is that God has always valued you and has seen you as irreplaceable in His plans. You are central to all that He desires for family, church, community, and the world– this is why He invests so much in you!  Even though many men will say “I didn’t get what I needed from my dad,” we can’t say that about our heavenly Father because His Word is filled with promises for every one of us.  Our heavenly Father assures us of unlimited access to His presence for counsel, support, encouragement, wisdom, and direction. He created us with purpose to give meaning and motivation to our lives. He also offers us His power, strength, ability, and resources to accomplish those purposes.  Who you are and what you do as a father is important on the earth and in eternity! I think we all realize we cannot give what we do not have, which is why God, our Father, willingly “wants to abundantly supply us with all things” (Phil. 4:19). God’s desire to make you a success cannot be understated, and your importance cannot be overstated.  So, thanks again for putting it all on the line to be the very best dad!  I pray that you receive the rewards of all your efforts now and throughout eternity. Your (heavenly) Dad loves you and is proud of you–and so am I!

Happy Father’s Day!

Pastor Sam

Ps – You might like to know that many polls report that, “Dad bods are hot” and “nothing is sexier than a man being attentive to his kids”… just saying!

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