I have got to get this off my chest.  I think Thomas is getting a bum rap!  After all these years all you have to say is “Doubting Thomas” and everyone knows exactly who you are talking about.  “Doubting Thomas” is such a well known statement that it is often used to describe anyone who may have a doubt about almost anything.  Here is the statement that has come to identify his life:

    “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.”(John 20:25)  

He stated this in response to his friends stating they had seen Jesus, alive… after his death, and burial.  I am sure we all have friends like this.  Let’s mess with him, tell some amazing thing he missed.  It will give us all a good laugh.  If anything, maybe Thomas was doubting his friends.  I say it again, Thomas is getting a raw deal!

Here are a few of my observations:

I am glad that my life is not summed up or defined on the basis of one statement.  Especially a statement that is made in the midst of one of the most difficult times of life.  

For years Thomas had been a faithful follower of Jesus.  He was one of Jesus’ disciples.  He had left family, friends, occupation, personal dreams and desires to be a disciple of Rabbi Jesus.  There is every reason to believe that Thomas was present to see Jesus walk on the water, feed the multitudes, heal the sick, and raise the dead.  He would have been a companion of Jesus as he walked the dusty roads, taught on the mountainside, confronted the religious leaders, turned over the money-changers tables in the temple, prayed in the garden, was arrested, scourged, and ultimately crucified.  

Thomas after years of sharing meals with Jesus, sleeping under the same roof as he did, truly, “doing life together” had an up close a personal view of not just the Lord Jesus, but his friend and master Jesus suffering, dying and being placed in a tomb!  I can think of  a whole list of “doubting” questions that could have gone through my mind… Was it worth it?  Has it all been a waste?  Could I have been deceived?  Am I a fool?  What do I do now?  However, we don’t hear any of this from “doubting” Thomas.  As a matter of fact we see just the opposite. Thomas did not quit.  He stays the course.  He remains a part of the community of the followers of Jesus in the midst of heartache, fear and uncertainty.  

This gave him the opportunity to experience the resurrected presence of Jesus for himself.  And let’s not overlook the statement Thomas makes about Jesus,  “My Lord and my God!”  What a bold proclamation,  a statement of belief, confidence, love, joy, and worship based on a personal relationship with Jesus.  

If Thomas could have this relationship with the living, resurrected Jesus, so can we.  I think we owe Thomas a big “Thank you”!  Thank you for reminding us that Jesus loves each of us so much.  Thank you for reminding us that Jesus longs for us to have a life-giving experience with him.  Thank you for reminding us that giving Jesus all of our hearts, our hopes and our lives will result in great joy.  

After all, that’s what Easter is all about!  Thank you “Believing Thomas!

With Easter only a week away be sure that you invite someone to come and experience the life of Jesus here at NCC.

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