Just the word evokes various responses. We love it when it comes in our direction. It brings smiles to our faces, warmth to our hearts and overall happiness. The fact that someone took the time and interest to do or give to us something of value is so honoring and absolutely affirming.
On the other hand we have got to admit (ok I have to admit) that there are times when being approached with the idea or opportunity to give is really a turnoff. At times I have to diligently watch my attitude to not become down right aggravated. How dare the preacher, or the salesman, or the man on the side of the street with the sign, or for darn sure the telemarketer ask me to give of my hard earned dollars, my time, my skills, my vote, or whatever else!
And yet there are other times when the opportunity to give brings some of the greatest joy, fulfillment and sense of accomplishment we ever know. So what is it that’s makes the difference. Here are a few things I think count in the area of generosity:
- Generosity is an issue of the heart. First and foremost generosity is an issue of the heart. Throughout the Bible people are encouraged and commended for giving from the heart.
Exodus 35:5 – Take from among you a contribution to the Lord. Whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s contribution: gold, silver, and bronze;
Acts 2:46 – And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,
1 Timothy 6:8 – They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,
(Psalm 37:21, 37:26, 112:5; Proverbs 14:21, 14:31, 19:17)
- Generosity is an action of Love. Love always involves action! I remember a time going into a store and there was an employee handing out coupons to everyone entering for being “valued customers”. I like being valued. And I like saving money (yes it was a valuable {$10} coupon}). But the attitude of the person passing out the coupon certainly did not convey that we were “valued” customers or motivate me to spend the money to get the discount. Love always acts for the benefit of the other person. It never operates through manipulation, pressure, guilt, or out of pursuit of personal gain.
(2 Corinthians 9:6). This type of giving results in joy for the one receiving and the one giving!
- Generosity is rooted in gratitude.
If we do not understand that everything we have has been given to us by God we will always struggle with being generous. We may be tempted to think we are the source of our life, our provision, or our abilities. Obviously, this brings limits. However, if God is our source in all things and He is the one who has and will supply all we need in full measure it becomes easy to give, to live generously. Knowing in His loving faithfulness He will not only supply, He will resupply! Let’s thank God for all He has and continues to pour into our lives and allow Him to pour into the lives of others through us! (James 1:17-18; Psalm 103).
Generosity filled lives glorify God by allowing His love, goodness and blessings to flow in and through His children to touch the lives of all people. I pray that. The cycle of generosity day by day and generation by generation!