3 Reasons Mary Magdalene Inspires Me

3 Reasons Mary Magdalene Inspires Me

Over 2000 years after the fact we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with colored eggs, mom buying a new dress and a wonderful lunch that includes an Easter Ham.  Hey even our unchurched and half churched friends are usually willing to make an appearance at our...
Family Resemblance

Family Resemblance

I know you have, just as I have seen children and thought, “Wow, that kid looks just like his parents.” My elderly relatives would say, “She’s the spitting image of her mother,” or “He’s the spitting image of his...
Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred

Often we are stirred in our emotions by good worship, preaching, etc. but when the feelings settle to the bottom we find that sometimes no real change has taken place in our heart. What we need is a good shaking.

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